Mar 18, 2020
What are construction lawyers saying contractors should do to survive this global shut-down?
Levelset collected advice from leading construction law attorneys. Gibbs Giden partner Christopher Ng suggests that “parties should get ahead of a very tangled legal situation NOW.”
Read 8 Construction Lawyers Give Scary Advice for Contractors to Survive Coronavirus here.
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For more information contact:
Christopher E. NgPhone: (310) 552-3400
email: cng@gibbsgiden.comFor specific questions about any of the content discussed herein or any of the content posted to the Gibbs Giden website please contact the article attorney author or send an email to info@gibbsgiden.com. The transmission of information by email, over the Gibbs Giden website, or any transmission or exchange of information over the Internet, or by any of the included links is not intended to create and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. For a complete description of the terms of use of this information and the Gibbs Giden website please see the Legal Notices section at /legal-disclaimer.
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